Women in Mobility is an initiative by Mobility Outlook that recognizes and features women leaders in the mobility sector, who have been exemplary role models to many. The third edition of Women in Mobility is supported by ReadyAssist India and will cover another 24 women across leadership roles in the mobility industry.

This year-long activity will be culminated in a grand event in March 2024 by celebrating women leadership and their achievements across various mobility domains with the launch of the third edition of our coffee table book.

Champions of Diversity

While Women in Mobility has until now focussed on individuals, it is important that we also look at how the industry and organisations are creating new ways of empowering their women employees and leaders. Starting from 2023, we have launched a new initiative within the Women in Mobility umbrella, titled “Champions of Diversity (CoD)” – an initiative to honour organisations that are most supportive of diversity and inclusion in their workplaces.

This initiative would honour the Top 5 companies every year across OEMs (2W, 3W, 4W, CV, EV), Suppliers and Start-ups that champion women empowerment.

the visionaries

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