Tata Motors has unveiled its newly revamped India Design Studio in Pune, positioning it as a world-class facility dedicated to innovation and craftsmanship. This studio is part of Tata Motors’ triad of global design hubs, alongside facilities in Coventry, UK, and Torino, Italy. The investment reflects the company's commitment to enhancing its design capabilities and aligning them with global standards, particularly in the final stages of product development.
The revamped design studio aims to leverage its proximity to Tata Motors’ research and development (R&D) and manufacturing centres. This strategic location allows the team to preserve design fidelity while implementing intricate refinements and improving craftsmanship during the final stages of product development. With an understanding of the Indian market and its unique needs, the Pune studio is set to play a pivotal role in developing products tailored to domestic and international markets.
A notable feature of the upgraded facility is the integration of a virtual reality (VR) technology alongside traditional clay modelling. This combination enables designers to visualise concepts with greater precision, facilitating collaboration across disciplines. The fusion of digital and physical modelling techniques allows the studio to optimise workflows, enhance efficiency, and deliver high-quality design solutions.
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